Asia videos

Asia is an award-winning flow chemistry range from Syrris. It enables the widest variety of chemical reactions and ultimate ease of use. Watch our videos below to find out more.

Asia Flow Chemistry Systems
An introduction to Syrris Asia Flow Chemistry Systems

Pre-configured systems & modules

The Asia range consists of pre-configured systems designed to perform specific flow chemistry applications, as well as individual modules that can be incorporated into any flow system.





Asia modules are available in a variety of pre-configured systems designed to perform specific flow chemistry applications. You’ll never be limited in your capability to perform new flow chemistry experiments and access new chemical spaces because modules can be added to your system at any time. The Asia Flow Chemistry System is proven in proven in over 250 publications.

Continuous flow α-aminoxylation monitored by in-situ IR spectroscopy
This video demonstrates the advantages of conducting enantioselective α-aminoxylation reactions under continuous-flow conditions.




Our team of flow experts deliver educational flow chemistry webinars and share their knowledge about the Asia range of products.

A Spotlight on Flow Photochemistry
Over the past 20 years, flow chemistry has had a major impact on how chemists perform their work. Flow Chemistry Specialist, Leandro Carvalho, puts the spotlight on continuous photochemistry


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